Based on the smash video game series by Double Fine Productions (Psychonauts, Broken Age) and the woBased on the smash video game series by Double Fine Productions (Psychonauts, Broken Age) and the world originally created by Tasha Sounart, Costume Quest is a funny and mysterious animated series aimed at six to 11-year-olds. The show stars four kids facing off against the dark forces lurking in the shadows of their sleepy town of Auburn Pines. To overcome obstacles and achieve their goals, they must learn to unlock and master the magical powers of super-normal costumes-with each costume comes a new set of transformations and powers.详情
主演:卡羅琳·勞倫斯,湯姆·肯尼,勞倫斯先生,瑪麗·喬·卡特利特,克蘭西·布朗,比爾·法格巴克,羅德格爾·邦帕斯,迪·布拉雷·貝克爾,Christopher Hagen,瑞歐·亞曆山大,Ryan Begay,伊利娅·伊索雷利·保利諾,馬修·卡德瑞普,旺達·塞克絲,吉爾·塔利,克雷格·羅賓森,格蕾·德麗斯勒,約翰尼·諾克斯維爾,凱瑞·華格倫,Miles Hall