A high school student whose father and sister were recently murdered begins her own investigation afA high school student whose father and sister were recently murdered begins her own investigation after two of her fellow cheerleaders are kidnapped. She sets out on a rescue mission, but the killer may already be hot on her trail.@www.molikan.com详情
主演:約翰尼·梅辛納,史蒂文·西格爾,DMX,比爾·考布斯,紮克·沃德,蘭迪·查奇,切斯特拉什 ·拉什,西恩·凱南,薩克斯·沙比諾,尤利亞·克拉斯,根·加裏托,帕特裏克·基爾帕特裏克,堪薩絲·寶琳,維多利亞·德馬爾,馬德琳·韋德,科迪·蕾尼·卡梅倫,Michael LaRue Simpson Jr.,Devin Reeve,Mitchell L. Johnson